Past Features
These are Items contributed to Talk Around, an Irish blind lifestyle magazine between 2004 and 2008
The Silence Of The Lights
Dublin City Counsel caused uproar among the VIP community, when they turned off the audible signals at traffic lights around Dublin city centre in 2005. This feature gives a vivid impression of the day Dublin's VIP's rose to claim back a sound that means safety.
Listen to: The silence of the lights
Dialogue In The Dark, An All-Ears Exhibition
Dialogue in the Dark is an exhibition in complete darkness, where blind people guide sighted visitors through a world of sound, smell and touch. This feature accompanies a group of sighted visitors on an imaginary boat trip that feels so real, they even shout a greeting to none existent passing ferries.
Listen to: Dialogue in the Dark, an all-ears exhibition
Sailing Blind
This feature reveals sailing as a perfect outdoor activity for VIP's.
Vision for Uganda
In this touching feature Robin Spinks joins the aide organisation Sight Savers in an endeavour to provide
Ugandan children with low vision aides.
Hear from the children who’s lives have been changed by spectacles and let the people involved tell you about the
pitfalls of such an effort and about the reward of succeeding.
Please note: I have no claim to the respect this wonderful piece deserves. It was produced by Emma Tracey,
the former editor of Talk Around, who was since headhunted by the BBC. She allowed me to make it
available on this website.
Listen to: Vision for Uganda - by Robin Spinks and Emma Tracey
Grizzly Gulch
A review of a funny computer game for blind beginners. Very good for Children.
Listen to: Grizzly Gulch, a computer game review
Shades Of Doom,
A review of a slightly advanced and fascinating computer game for the blind.
Listen to: Shades of Doom, a computer game review
Audioscope, A Thing Of The Past?
In July 2006, news that RTÉ1 was planning to discontinue Audioscope reached the VIP community.
Due to an immense effort on the part of an outraged listenership to save the only program for VIP's on
public radio, Audioscope was restored. (If only on medium wave.)
In this interview, which Bethan Collins the presenter of Audioscope gave at the height of the turmoil, she states her
case and tells of her experience with listeners.
Meanwhile Audioscope has been discontinued, this time without much protest.
However the interview is an interesting contribution to the general discussion
as to whether blind people still need radio programs directed at them.
Listen to: Audioscope, a thing of the past? An interview with Bethan Collins